Personalised Dog Portraits Drawings
Your beloved animal immortalised

About the paintings
I draw personalised dog portraits from pictures. You can have an overview of my work under, or on my Facebook page.
I use dry pastels to immortalise your dog’s personality through drawing. If I represent mostly dogs, I can also draw any other animal, and humans. You can find examples in the gallery under.
If you want a timeless and unique memory of your pet, a pastel portrait will give you what you are looking for ! It can also be a tremendous surprise as a unique present. If you are interested in ordering or would like more info, please contact me.
I use dry pastels to paint your beloved animal. The high quality materials guarantee vivid colors as well as a long lasting painting. The special cardboard paper with micro-roughness retains pigments, ensuring a precise render.
Several paper colors are available. I usually choose myself but if you would prefer one particular color, please feel free to ask.

How does it work ?

What to expect
Each dog has a his unique personality. This is why every single drawing is different. Several pictures can also be used and combined in the best way. In any case, we will discuss together about the photographies you would like to use to ensure that you will be the happiest possible with the final rendering. Items presents on the photography, such as collars or leads, can be removed if necessary or if you would like, and a background can also be added at your convenience.
Different sizes are available, depending on your choice, and the subject you want to immortalise. Please feel free to contact me if you hesitate between several options.
Framing can be added by myself or you, depending on your wish.
Discover what clients think about my work !

“I don’t know what to say.. it’s just magnificent, really exceptional !”
Solveig R.
Portrait format 50×70 cm

“It is magnificent, what talent ! Thanks a lot. A very beautiful tribute.”
Pierre L.
Portrait format 40×50 cm

“Wow, it is great ! There are no words, it’s great. Thanks a lot.”
Loran G..
Portrait format 30×40 cm

“So perfect this pastel of my Niout. I put it in a frame with my number, and her gold medal from the European Championships, thanks a lot Melissa.”
Jean-François P.
Portrait format 24×30 cm

“Thank you, it is too beautiful. You brought up a lot of emotions in me. Thank you for this beautiful painting.”
Girard L.
Portrait format 30×40 cm

“In homage to Forest, superb pastel portrait.”
Dominique I.
Portrait format 30×40 cm
Example of realisation
From pictures to final artwork

After several hours of work. The two Border Collie dogs reunited on one single painting. On demand from the client, the different items such as the collars and harnesses were removed.

You can follow my work on my Facebook page.